And there it is, the last day of my project, so the usual email email to thank everyone had to be send. But I am quite proud of this one so I think I am going to keep it, as a template:
Dear all,
As today is my last day on the (xxx) project, I want to bid farewell to you all and also inform you this is the end of my mission at (xxx) that started almost 14 months ago.I will now move on to new challenges and more diverse opportunities.
I must say that I have enjoyed working on this program and I appreciate having had this wonderful opportunity to work with you all. It’s been great interacting and knowing each one of you; your collaboration has made this experience truly unique and really constructive.
You can be in touch with me by:
Email: (xxx)
Phone: (xxx)
And if you have any question regarding the project, you can also contact (xxx).
Good luck and I wish you all the very best for 2009!